Monday, April 23, 2012

First of all, a special thanks to my husband for letting me totally steal the name of this blog.  Not that he had a choice.  I believe the rules of marital property say:  what's his is mine.  So by that rule, I also get anything that he has that I deem cool. 

The cast of characters.  I'll start with our little family first.

Me: 30 something with too many jobs and a dirty house.
Husband: Age Redacted  Also with too many jobs and a naggy wife.
Baby Girl: 1 years old.  On the verge of walking, talking and taking over the world.  Seriously.  I'm waiting for the day she busts out with a full sentence of, "Momma?  I need some milk, fishies, oh and would you mind getting me some yellow cake Uranium?  I've got an idea."

The rest of the cast will probably pop up as we go along.

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